by Monika
Driving schools in UK
Thank you for taking the time and your effort to explain the elementary internet marketing, which fortunately I fully understand and choose not to add to my site. I believe in integrity before profits.
I believe people will come to you because you’re good at what you do as you believe in them and train them to the best of your ability not how much money you can make out of them or how much they can save on their training.
I believe that the way training is done in the UK is superior to the Polish equivalent, therefore I will not put your link to my site as it might not be in my best interest to recommend a training that might be detrimental to the potential clients of yours.
If someone wants to drive a UK bus, they can learn the ENGLISH language and learn to drive in the UK rather than become the burden of a driver that needs a translator here...
Driving schools in UK
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